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DEI Working Group – Meeting 4

The DEI WG aims to discuss some of the challenges companies are facing when integrating DEI into their strategies and operations, and to explore how DEI can be a source of competitive advantage.

Child Labour Working Group – Meeting 4

The Child Labour Working Group (CLWG) debates, discusses and shares the challenges of working to eliminate child labour, and worst forms of child labour (WFCL), in their supply chains.

Target Gender Equality Accelerator – Session 5

The fifth edition of TGE supports companies in setting and reaching ambitious corporate targets for women’s representation and leadership. It provides a holistic approach to a gender equality strategy through facilitated performance analysis and capacity-building workshops.

Nature Working Group – Meeting 4

The Nature WG will support Network participants with material impacts on nature to discuss and work through ongoing challenges related to measuring, addressing, and disclosing their nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities.

Climate Disclosures Working Group – Meeting 4

The Climate Disclosures Working Group is a participant-only forum which supports companies to address the challenges and opportunities associated with climate-related disclosures.

Sustainable Finance Collaboration Lab 3

A series of workshops and round tables to generate ideas, identify mutual interests, and uncover opportunities for collaboration to align corporate investment to SDG policies and strategies, and link corporate financing to SDG investments.

Members’ Breakfast

Join this informal, interactive morning session, moderated by our Executive Director. It’s a great opportunity to meet other UK Network members and share ideas, challenges, and experiences. Participants will receive a key takeaways report after the session, which will include …

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