Below you will find a brief summary of UNGC Network UK events in 2009, and past event reports. For further information about any of these events, please contact the Secretariat here.
UK Network Outreach Event
14 December, 2009, BIS offices in London.
The UK Network and BIS presented a speaker from the UK government to discuss Sustainability and Climate Change Post Copenhagen.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Human Rights Issue Area
16 November, 2009, hosted by DeBeers in London.
In light of this meeting’s proximity to the Copenhagen Climate Summit, presentations focused on the human rights implications of climate change. Our speakers included representatives from DeBeers and IBLF.
Webinar: How to Communicate About the Global Compact
27 October, 2009, online.
By becoming a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a CEO makes a number of commitments including: to advance the Global COmpact through advocacy and active outreach to peers, partners, clinets, consumers and the public at large. The webinar answered the questions: What is the Global Compact? Why is it worth communicating? How should you communicate about it?
Business & Human Rights: Recent Developments Globally and in the UK
29 September, 2009, hosted by IBLF in London.
Presentations provided an update on the work of the UN Special Representative on Business & Human Rights and explored the implications of the Ruggie framework for UK companies and government. The recent UK Parliamentary Joint Committee hearings on Human Rights were also discussed. Speakers included representatives from IBLF, Amnesty International UK, Core Coalition and Caroline Rees, advisor to John Ruggie, UN Special Envoy on Business and Human Rights.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Anti-Corruption Issue Area
14 September, 2009, hosted by F&C Asset Management in London.
Presentations covered what investors expect from companies with regard to countering corruption, how investors can work with companies to strengthen anti-corruption policies and programmes and then, more specifically, how the new UK Bribery law working through parliament will affect risk scenarios. Our speakers included representatives from F&C Asset Management, Transparency International and IBLF.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Labour Issue Area
15 June, 2009, hosted by Trades Union Congress in London.
Meeting featured presentations about how companies are implementing the Global Compact’s labour principles in their supply chains from Neil Kearney, General Secretary of the International Textile, Garment & Leather Worker’s Federation, and Alison Ward, Global CR Manager, Cadbury.
UK Network Outreach Event
21 May, 2009, Reed Elsevier offices in London.
UN Global Compact Executive Director Georg Kell updated UK GC signatories on the current activities and strategic priorities of the Global Compact office.
UK Network COP Working Group Meeting
25 March, 2009, Rio Tinto offices in London.
The UK Network COP Working Group met to review the procedures in the existing Peer Review Programme and discuss a work programme for 2009/2010.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting
9 March, 2009, IBLF offices in London.
Presentations addressed the question, ‘What is an appropriate role for business in helping communities to adapt to climate change?’ We briefly reviewed some of the potential social, economic and environmental impacts of both climate change and climate change mitigation.