Measuring Up 2.0 – Further references and resources
Gender equality
Abortion Services (safe Access Zones) Bill
APPG Sexual and Reproductive Health report: Women’s Lives, Women’s Rights: Strengthening Access to Contraception Beyond the Pandemic
CIPD news article: Time to Step Up Workplace Support for the Menopause
CIPD submission to the APPG for the Menopause
Defra Rural living – statistical indicators
Fawcett Society: Sexual Harassment in Parliament Protecting MPs Peers, Volunteers and Staff
FSRH Service Standards on Obtaining Valid Consent in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services - September 2018
G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council: Building Back Better for Women and Girls report
Government Education Hub: Women in STEM Week 21
Imperial College London: How is the current STEM gender bias?
Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Annual Report 2020-2021
Ipsos and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London research – 1:5 Britons say their careers have been held back by childcare
Joint RCOG, FSRH and BMS response to the APPG Menopause Inquiry: Assessing the impacts of Menopause and the case for policy reform
LGA Tackling the Digital Divide – House of Commons briefing, 4 November 2021
LSE Improving Access to Contraception
Maternity Action – a more equitable system of maternity & parental leave
MSI Reproductive Choices survey results on accessing contraception during COVID-19 pandemic
NHS Inform: Contraception
NHS statistics on Sexual & Reproductive Health Services England (contraception) 2020/21
NHS The progestogen-only contraceptive pill guide
Nuffield Health research – One in four with menopause symptoms concerned about ability to cope with life
Ofcom Online Nation 2021 report
Ofcom Technology Tracker 2021 Data Tables
ONS Data March 2021 on unpaid household labour minutes per day and unpaid childcare minutes per day
Plan International UK: Break the Barriers - Girls’ experiences of menstruation in the UK
Plan International UK research – Nearly two million girls in the UK miss school because of their period
Plan International UK research: Over one million girls in the UK struggled to afford or access period products during the pandemic
Plan International UK: State of Girls’ Rights in the UK 2019-2020 report
Public Health Wales 2018 report: A Review of Sexual Health in Wales
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill
Statista: access to the internet via a mobile phone in Great Britain in 2019, by age and gender
STEM Women – Women in Stem statistics
The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020
The Global Institute for Women Leadership: Essays on Equality – Women’s unpaid care work has been under measured and undervalued for too long
Trust for London and Resolution Foundation: The Time of Your Life: Time use in London and the UK over past 40 years
Who Cares? Business in the Community & Ipsos research reveals the great workplace divide: press release and full report
Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry Menopause and the Workplace and CIPD Response
Women’s Budget Group and the Economics Foundation (England) Briefing report Winter 2020/21
Human rights and migration
British Institute of Human Rights: Human Rights Information Hub including response to government consultation
EU Immigration in the UK: Their Future under the Points Based System by Dr Dagmar Rita Myslinska
Government guidance: New immigration system - what you need to know
Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights – consultation response