Sustainability Essentials for Core Functions

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Achieving a company’s sustainability targets – whether science-based net zero targets, living wage accreditation, or wider environmental and societal aims – cannot be accomplished by one person, or even one team. Sustainability is complex and requires consideration of a multitude of factors across the business, supply chain, and whole economy.


Sustainability professionals are increasingly struggling to keep up with all the demands that the role requires, including emissions reductions, compliance and reporting, stakeholder engagement, innovation, and much more. However, sustainability within many companies currently operates within a silo without active engagement from other relevant functional areas in the business.

For sustainability to be truly integrated across the business, all core functions must be involved in helping the company achieve its sustainability objectives. This means that, at the very least, those working in key functions should have a fundamental understanding of sustainability and how their role impacts and contributes to company goals. This may include considerations around the Sustainable Development Goals, net zero and decarbonisation, nature and biodiversity, resource use, just transition, human rights, anti-corruption, sustainable supply chains, and more.

To support this, the UN Global Compact Network UK is organising a series of in-person events to provide those working in the following core business functions with the necessary knowledge and understanding to contribute to their organisation’s sustainability goals in their day-to-day jobs:

  1. Procurement – 30 April, 14:00-17:00 BST
  2. Legal – 17 June, 15:00-18:00 BST
  3. Finance – 15 September, 14:00-17:00 BST
  4. Marketing – 24 November, 14:00-17:00 GMT

Over the course of three hours, each session will feature presentations, case studies, panels, collaboration activities, and networking opportunities to empower participants to take direct action following the events. Sustainability professionals are requested to invite a colleague from the respective function and attend alongside them to facilitate discussions on the day.

This event series is generously supported by our members Clyde & Co.

Each session will explore how a specific function impacts sustainability, what that function should know or consider to promote the integration of sustainability throughout the business, and what the two functions can do to work together towards sustainability goals. During the event, attendees will:

  • Gain a greater understanding of the sustainability landscape and how their role impacts and is impacted by sustainability issues;
  • Learn how they can work in their own role and with their sustainability colleagues to further the company’s sustainability ambitions;
  • Hear from leading businesses on the systems, processes, and initiatives they have in place to integrate sustainability into the focus function;
  • Identify concrete actions that they can take away from the event to share with their teams;
  • Connect with other like-minded professionals to share challenges and solutions around sustainability.

Please contact Alexandra Ranft, Senior Project Manager, Environment, for more information or to explore speaking opportunities.