The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) funded a project to develop guidance framework for investors which supports the elimination of child labour in supply chains.

The UN Global Compact Network UK explored and developed guidance which will help investors to support the private sector to provide better decision-critical child labour data, clarify investor requirements, and share what best practice looks like across entire supply chains. The guidance also explores how the flagging of controversies can be reframed to support the elimination of child labour while maintaining critical vulnerability reducing investment and meeting investor material objectives.

The resulting RAPID Framework supports institutional investors to exert appropriate pressure on companies to end child labour in supply chains. Complete the form to download.

For further information, please reach out to Benafsha Delgado, Head of Social Sustainability.

“RAPID equips investors and companies with clear and actionable metrics for which data can be sourced, verified, and assured in the battle against child labour around the world. This is a welcomed framework to support the changes needed within supply chain ecosystems.”

Jaume Morapedros, Economist and Data Strategist LeadiEARTHS.org

“It is great see a practical toolkit being developed to support investors.  I particularly liked the emphasis on metrics, evidence, and transparency.  But most important of all was the focus on real world change – investors can be influential in protecting the most vulnerable workers across the globe.”

 Dame Sara Thornton, ex-UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Professor of Practice in Modern Slavery.

"We’re seeking to help enable investors to optimise and assume their pivotal role in exerting influence on companies to end child labour in global supply chains. Unlike environmental data, which is better understood, and increasingly available, human rights supply chain data is proving more problematic. Supporting investors with the tools to navigate investments operating in high-risk contexts is crucial as a means of strengthening efforts to eliminate child labour without divesting.  This approach also seeks to reduce the likelihood of reducing job and livelihood opportunities for the most vulnerable.  We're mindful of an approach which advances all parts of SDG8 in synergy."

Benafsha Delgado, Head of Social Sustainability

Further Resources:

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