Measuring Up 2.0

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UN Global Compact Network UK - Measuring Up 2.0


In 2015, the UK Government joined every other country in the world and committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Goals provide a holistic framework to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, combat catastrophic climate change, and protect our natural environment by 2030. Yet with just seven years to go, and already halfway through the 2030 Agenda, the UK is far from achieving the Goals. Our Measuring Up 2.0 report assesses the UK's performance against each of the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets to understand how and where the government and other organisations should focus efforts for the remainder of this decade of action.

Measuring Up 2.0

The UN Global Compact Network UK has been working with hundreds of stakeholders to review how the UK is performing against the SDGs, the wider policy context, and the historical trends that affect us achieving the Goals.

The Measuring Up 2.0 report finds that:

  • The UK is only performing well (green) on 17% of the targets relevant to the domestic delivery of the Goals. There are gaps or inadequate performance on 64%, and 11% where there is little to no policy in place to address the Target and where performance is poor or even declining. There are gaps in available or appropriate data for the remaining 8% of Targets that were assessed.
  • Compared to 2018, these results suggest improvements in 23 Targets, regression in 18 Targets, and no change in 65 of the Targets which were rated amber or red four years ago.
  • The SDGs have tremendous potential to mobilise action across the whole of society but both government and business are missing an opportunity to use the holistic framing of the SDGs to address systemic challenges.

The report includes over 120 individual recommendations to advance the Goals and almost 50 case studies from business, civil society, national and local government, demonstrating what we can achieve when we focus our efforts and work in partnership for the SDGs.


The publication launched on 28 September. Complete the form to read/download the report below:

Measuring Up on Climate 3(2)

Wednesday 30 November 2022, 10:00-11:00 GMT, hosted on Zoom

This interactive fireside chat reflected on progress since COP26 and the commitments made at COP27. Panellists discussed how these issues relate to implementing the broader SDG Agenda, drawing on the findings of our Measuring Up 2.0 report related to climate action in the UK, and Aviva’s recent Climate-Ready Index which assesses how this compares to the other G7 countries.

Guest speakers included:

    • David Schofield, Sustainability Director at Aviva
    • Michelle T Davies, Sustainability Leader and Partner at EY
    • Anna-Marie Slot, Global Sustainability Partner at Ashurst
    • Jacob Ellis, Lead Change Maker for Public Affairs and International Relations at the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

You can access the recording to the webinar here.

Measuring Up

Friday 30 September 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 BST, hosted on zoom

This virtual workshop took a deep dive into the Measuring Up 2.0 report to discuss the findings, recommendations, and priority focus areas for all stakeholders going forward. Sign up to our SDG Advocacy mailing list to attend more events like this in the future.


Wednesday 28 September 2022, 16:00 – 18:30 BST - Hosted at Shoosmiths, London

To celebrate the launch of our Measuring Up 2.0 report, we hosted an in-person launch reception to discuss the findings and look ahead at what government, businesses, and other stakeholders across the UK can do to deliver the SDGs.

Guest speakers included:

    • Lord McConnell, Co-chair of the APPG on the United Nations for Sustainable Development
    • Peter Duff, Chairperson of Shoosmiths
    • Anna Turrell, Interim Sustainability Director at Tesco
    • Sara Wakefield, Head of Food Transformation at WWF-UK
    • Barbara Cleary, Trustee at the National Association of Women’s Organisations
    • Melanie Kee, Senior Project Manager - Education at Students Organising for Sustainability UK

The event provided plenty of opportunities to network and engage with others working on this agenda.


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