Below you will find a brief summary of UNGC Network UK events in 2010, and past event reports. For further information about any of these events, please contact the Secretariat here.
UK Network Outreach Event
13 December 2010
Hosted by Standard Chartered in London.
The UN Global Compact UK Network held its annual year-end outreach event on December 13th from 14:00. We were honoured to haveThe Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce, MP, Chairman of the International Development Select Committee, speak about the government's approach to engaging the private sector in support of the MDGs. We were further delighted to have Georg Kell, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact in attendance to share his views on the Global Compact’s first decade and plans for the future. Presentations were followed by an opportunity for networking and festive refreshments.
UNGC Human Rights Working Group
17 November 2010
Hosted by Rio Tinto in London
The UK Network participated in the UN Global Compact’s meeting of the Human Rights Working Group. Topics discussed include the upcoming publication Embedding Human Rights in Business Practice IV, the Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum, the Children’s Rights and Business Principles Initiatives, guidance on human rights reporting, and the proposed UNGC strategy on Human Rights for 2011-2013.
UK Network Webinar: Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership
10 November 2010
Information was provided on a new UNGC initiative, which provides the opportunity for corporate leaders to take a more active role in the promotion of sustainability.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Anti-Corruption Issue Area
2 November 2010, hosted by Anglo American in London.
Presentations centered on Anti-Corruption initiatives and The UK Bribery Act, which is expected to have far-reaching implications for directors and managers of UK companies. With this meeting we examined the scope of the Act, why it is necessary, and practical steps that businesses can take to ensure compliance. Speakers included Mr. Roderick Macauley, Bribery Act Manager, UK Ministry of Justice; Mr. Chandu Krishnan, Executive Director, Transparency International UK; and Mr. Hugh Elliott, International Government Relations Manger, Anglo American.
UK UNGC Business and Human Rights Roundtable
Co-hosted with the Scottish Human Rights Commission
7th October 2010, Edinburgh City Chambers on the Royal Mile
Convening representatives from business, government, academic and voluntary sectors, this roundtable explored key emerging developments in business and human rights. It considered the benefit of increased awareness of human rights for Scottish companies entering emerging markets. There were also two specific roundtable discussions - on managing social and human rights risks abroad and on the current introduction of human rights criteria into the public procurement process in Scotland – which were led by the Commission and the UN Global Compact and also included a presentation by the Scottish Procurement Directorate.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Environment Issue Area
15 September 2010, hosted by Aviva in London.
Presenters shared their insights on the UK’s transition to a low-carbon economy. Speakers included Phillip Pearson (TUC), Oliver Greenfield (WWF), Greg Luxford (Aviva), and Trewin Restorick (Global Action Plan). The meeting also played host to China’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) and received a presentation by Mr. Peng Huagang, Director General of the Research Bureau, SASAC.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Human Rights Issue Area
24 May, 2010, hosted by Shell in London.
Presenters shared their experience working in the field of business and human rights with particular emphasis on human rights impact assessments. Speakers included Prof. Alyson Warhurst, Maplecroft, Désirée Abrahams, IBLF and Karen Westley, Shell.
UK Network Quarterly Meeting: Labour Issue Area
1 March, 2010, hosted by IBLF in London.
Presenters shared their experience of managing international supply chains that integrate the Global Compact's principles with particular emphasis on the labour issue area. Our speakers included Mark Barnett, The Consortium for Purchasing and Distribution Ltd, Tony Campos, FTSE Group and Janet Williamson, Trades Union Congress.